Award-winning pianist Chia-Ching Shen began her piano studies at age four in Taiwan. She has performed internationally and won many prestigious awards,including prizes at the 13th Biennial International Beethoven Piano Sonata Competition, the YAMAHA National Piano Competition of Taiwan, the Dame Myra Hess Young Artist Debut Auditions, and the Graduate Chapman and Doctoral Concerto Competitions at the Florida State University.
Dr. Shen received her Doctorate Degree in Piano Performance from the Florida State University College of Music. She has studied with numerous renowned artists, including Dr. Heidi Louise Williams at FSU, Prof. Victor Rosenbaum at The New School Mannes School of Music, and Prof. Mei-Ling Wang at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Her additional studies have included the Vienna International Piano Seminar, the Salzburg International Music Festival in Austria, and the International Keyboard Institute and Festival in New York City. She has performed in Master Classes for many renowned artists including Vladimir Feltsman, Ann Schein, Boris Bloch, Paul Gulda, and Timothy Eddy and Todd Phillips of the Orion String Quartet.
As soloist and collaborative pianist, Dr. Shen has given performances in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Some highlights of her concert engagements include collaborative performance at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, collaborative concerts with faculty and students at the MasterWorks Festival, Faculty recital at Florida State University, Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto appearance as a soloist with the 3-E Youth Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Taipei, Taiwan, and collaborative performance with violinist Wei-Gang Li of The Shanghai Quartet at Princeton University. Other concert engagements include The Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago, as well as numerous solo and collaborative engagements in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwestern United States.
Formerly, Dr. Shen taught at the Florida State University College of Music as Visiting Assistant Professor of Piano, served as Collaborative Pianist and Piano Faculty for the Preparatory Center for the Arts at Montclair State University, and served as artist-in-residence at the Hudsonway Immersion School in New York where she extended her pedagogical research interests in early musical training and language study. In 2017 to 2020, Dr. Shen joined the team of Avenues: The World School, where she served as a Chinese Music Teacher. Being a lifelong learner, Dr. Shen continuously explores more teaching methods. She completed Level I Orff- Schulwerk Teacher Education Program and Dalcroze Summer Intensive Courses in 2019.
Currently, Dr. Shen maintains her private piano teaching in New York. The programs she offers in her studio including one-to-one piano lessons (in-person and virtual lesson) and music classes including music & movement, rhythm & drum, music theory, and etc. In addition, Special Music Programs including Master Classes, Lecture Recitals, Music History: Composer Series Classes are offered to local community music schools as well.
Dr. Shen received her Doctorate Degree in Piano Performance from the Florida State University College of Music. She has studied with numerous renowned artists, including Dr. Heidi Louise Williams at FSU, Prof. Victor Rosenbaum at The New School Mannes School of Music, and Prof. Mei-Ling Wang at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Her additional studies have included the Vienna International Piano Seminar, the Salzburg International Music Festival in Austria, and the International Keyboard Institute and Festival in New York City. She has performed in Master Classes for many renowned artists including Vladimir Feltsman, Ann Schein, Boris Bloch, Paul Gulda, and Timothy Eddy and Todd Phillips of the Orion String Quartet.
As soloist and collaborative pianist, Dr. Shen has given performances in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Some highlights of her concert engagements include collaborative performance at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, collaborative concerts with faculty and students at the MasterWorks Festival, Faculty recital at Florida State University, Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto appearance as a soloist with the 3-E Youth Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Taipei, Taiwan, and collaborative performance with violinist Wei-Gang Li of The Shanghai Quartet at Princeton University. Other concert engagements include The Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series in Chicago, as well as numerous solo and collaborative engagements in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwestern United States.
Formerly, Dr. Shen taught at the Florida State University College of Music as Visiting Assistant Professor of Piano, served as Collaborative Pianist and Piano Faculty for the Preparatory Center for the Arts at Montclair State University, and served as artist-in-residence at the Hudsonway Immersion School in New York where she extended her pedagogical research interests in early musical training and language study. In 2017 to 2020, Dr. Shen joined the team of Avenues: The World School, where she served as a Chinese Music Teacher. Being a lifelong learner, Dr. Shen continuously explores more teaching methods. She completed Level I Orff- Schulwerk Teacher Education Program and Dalcroze Summer Intensive Courses in 2019.
Currently, Dr. Shen maintains her private piano teaching in New York. The programs she offers in her studio including one-to-one piano lessons (in-person and virtual lesson) and music classes including music & movement, rhythm & drum, music theory, and etc. In addition, Special Music Programs including Master Classes, Lecture Recitals, Music History: Composer Series Classes are offered to local community music schools as well.
旅美鋼琴家沈佳靜,出生於台灣,其音樂造詣於年幼時已展現出豐富的天份。四歲開始學習鋼琴,九歲學習大提琴,在台灣接受完整的音樂教育,曾就讀於台北市敦化國小音樂班,師大附中國高中音樂班與國立台北藝術大學音樂系◦ 在台灣學習期間,主修鋼琴,師事林佳香、彭聖錦、王穎、賴麗君與王美齡等教授。於大學期間,獲得獎學金參與紐約國際鋼琴音樂營與奧地利薩爾茲堡音樂節的暑期音樂營。2005年,榮獲獎學金,前往美國紐約曼尼斯音樂院(Mannes College The New School for Music) 深造,於2007年取得鋼琴演奏碩士學位 ◦ 同年,獲全額獎學金進入佛羅里達州立大學 (Florida State University) 就讀博士班並擔任鋼琴助教,教授鋼琴個別課。旅美學習期間,師事鋼琴家 Victor Rosenbaum 與 Dr. Heidi Louise Williams。於音樂演奏與教學理念方面,受其影響極深。在校期間表現優異,亦獲邀請連續兩年擔任佛羅里達州立大學暑期鋼琴音樂營之鋼琴講師,此外,獲邀於Piano Technology Program的重建Steinway鋼琴發表會中,擔任示範獨奏演出;亦獲邀於美國新音樂音樂節中,演出現代作曲家Joseph Dangerfield的鋼琴獨奏曲。2011年取得佛羅里達州立大學鋼琴演奏博士學位,其學術論文獲得出版社”LAP Publishing House” 的出版邀請。
曾多次獲得鋼琴大賽及殊榮: 第十三屆國際貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲大賽六獎,佛羅里達州立大學碩博士鋼琴大賽第一名,佛羅里達州立大學博士組協奏曲比賽第二名與佛羅里達州立大學Streem大獎,台灣YAMAHA鋼琴大賽第二名,行天宮菁音獎第三名,全國學生音樂比賽高中組鋼琴大賽第四名等 ◦ 並且,常於大師班中演出,與Vladimir Feltsman,Ann Schein,Boris Bloch,Paul Gulda, and Timothy Eddy and Todd Phillips of the Orion String Quartet 等學習鋼琴獨奏與室內樂。 演奏遍佈美國重要城市並且活躍於獨奏與室內樂演出,其鋼琴獨奏音樂會於芝加哥WFMT 98.7電台實況播出。曾受邀於卡內基獨奏廳,芝加哥文化中心,紐約史坦威音樂廳,紐約Langston Hughes市立圖書館與文化中心,紐約台灣會館,紐約台灣經貿辦事處等處演出,並且於普林斯頓大學(Princeton University) ,紐約皇后大學 (Queens College) ,惠頓學院(Wheaton College), 穆迪聖經學院(Moody Bible Institute), 愛德華水城學院(Edward Water College),台灣東吳大學等學校演出。
佳靜於2014 年受聘為美國佛羅里達州州立大學(Florida State University) 音樂系客座鋼琴助理教授一年。於2012-2014年,任職於紐澤西蒙特萊爾州立大學 (Montclair State University) ,擔任合作鋼琴家與音樂藝術預備中心的鋼琴教師。於2015-2017年受聘為紐約HudsonWay國際沉浸式中文學校駐校音樂教師。2017 -2020 任教於愛文國際學校(紐約校區)。
目前, 佳靜從事於私人鋼琴教學課程與遠程教學,並且繼續從事獨立研究與教材創作。